This is it, the bike that is going to Stockholm tonight with me, for the 2006 Single Speed World Championship. It's the 1993 Bridgestone XO-1 w/S&S couplers
(and technically a Petaluma Salsa front end, as the original front triangle was replaced sometime in 2000 by Dana Butzow at Dog House). This is the bike that keeps on giving. You may remember it from such CRC hits as Holiday In Cambodia: 9 Single Speed Weeks in Southeast Asia (see CRC #13) It's been raced across the Dakotas, seen much dirt and tarmac action, and just won't quit.

Plus, it fits in this suitcase.

How cool is that? Pretty F'n cool, don't you think?
I'll be long gone to Stockholm Tuesday (15-Aug) to Tuesday (22-Aug). No laptop this trip, so updates might be sporadic. But I've got a new camera, so will hopefully post some photogs upon my return. Kelly Mac, Kevin Bacon, B-Rose, and Eddie Gripgen will be holding it down at CRC. Drop in and say hello. In fact, drop in this Saturday, (19-Aug) and join in on the
SOUND UNSEEN FREERIDE It's a bike crooze, starting from CRC at 4pm, with stops at all the local hotspots. Register for FREE BEER (no shit) at the above website.
Lastly, speaking of Stockholm, O.G. Surly Slug B-Lee Evans sends this bit:
From your friends at BOMP……
"ELECTRIC PRUNES - Stockholm 67 -finds the Electric Prunes at the height of the powers. Some ninnies have griped that the 'Prunes were nothing more than a psychedelic one-hit wonder, and a studio project at best. This performance burns the criticism to the ground. Over-amplified and fuzzed to the max, the 'Prunes here are explosive, noisy and wild. This recording proves that the Electric Prunes deserve to be ranked alongside the very best bands of their era."

PS. the Stockholm Shirts have arrived and are pretty sweet! If there are any left over after the trip, they'll be available at the Cykel Garage.