Brad Q., Jeff G., Blockweed, Topher, & The Polish Hammer showed up for Stupor Bowl X, driving all the way from Pittsburgh/Philly in a VW Eurovan. They were troopers, but I think the cold knocked 'em for a loop. Blockweed, how come we ended up waiting for you? Twice?

They met these crazy broads at the bar...well, actually they're not that crazy. J-Rose, Megan, & Kelly Mac. All rad chicks who ride.

and ate breakfast at the Triple Rock...This, my good reader, is a MotherTrucker w/Veggie Sausage. Best breakfast in town, pretty much. (note the Guiness, and the Kahlua pancakes in the corner. Heaven's not too far away...)
They say the grass is always greener on the other side, but you have to admit, Minneapolis has some fine lookin' ladies. Or did yinz guys import them? ;)
the thought of that mother trucker makes my colon totally jack knife.
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