Sir Jon Fleck, Esq. dropped by the Cykel Garage today with his newly assembled Surly Big Dummy. Damn, those things are cool, and it's just a matter of weeks before the 20" size arrives. And by 20" size I really mean "my" size. Ahem. But I digress. [edit: 20"s just arrived in stock at Qube Farm. Mine is ordered and will be picked up manana; woo-hoo!] This is Fleck's first foray into the longbike. He says he digs it, but that it took a boatload of Framesaver to coat those tubes. I believe him.

"Grady, pass me some more ripple..."

The pink Chris King headset is a nice touch, and adds a bit of color to the behemoth. "It's such a dark bike," sez Fleck. Is he talking about its soul?

A man and his machine.
The next rig on my list is the Big Dummy.
Hot Damn!
I am on the way to the LBS to pick up mine today. I am pretty sure I won't have it assembled for a couple of weeks though. Sweet!
got it, here are pics of mine if you want a better idea of braze ons and color scheme, etc:
Really impressive hunkabike.
Impressive. I too am waiting on a 20"
Just imagine clicking on this site and seeing Fleck in a Carhartt onezie and neon yellow vest!
It seems "X" marks the spot for Big Dummy parking in these here parts - for now at least.
OKay, so no disrespect to John, CRC, or-- godforbidit -- SUrly. But!
Why drive an El Camino when you could drive an F-150?
(Me, I'm a big fan of the standard Burley trailer.)
that big dummy is butter....the pink chris king is the best part, as my campstove green karate monkey has a pink one as well...respect.
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