There truly is no place like New York City on this planet. Here's a glimpse of what we saw on a recent excursion to the Big Apple.

The famous Coffee Bar neon sign is a classic landmark near Union Square.
NYC Velo in the East Village is cool shop with great service and, if you ask nicely, they'll turn you on to some of the best mexican food in town, right around the corner.
Dave's Quality Meat. This place on East Third is fantastic. Highly sought after kicks, and skateboards + fixed gears. Asa & Massan were super cool and friendly and both want to ride in the Stupor Bowl next year, aint' that right?

The display case at DQM is an old meat cooler. Boss.

A sad reminder in Parkslope, Brooklyn. R.I.P.

Kim & Darlene of
Gorilla Coffee rode Vespa scooters from Brooklyn to Minneapolis last year. How cool is that? Their coffee is roasted on site, and it is excellent.

King Kog, how I miss thee...I really tried to get in to King Kog. Their posted hours are 12-7. I made my way down to Marcy Avenue a bit early on Friday, so I walked around the neighborhood, had a cup of tea, and returned a little after 12 to a still locked-down storefront. No problem, I thought, I know what retail is like. Another lap around the area, returning at 12:25 and still no King Kog. Damn. Left a CRC sticker on the window to let 'em know I was there. Maybe next time.

Finally, are the
rumours true?!?!?
Ahhh, "The Coffee Shop"... man, that brings back some memories [and a few tears too].
Played there more than a couple times [Sunday's Brazilian gig].
and took Amy there on our 2nd date.
Fuckin' NYC.
Fuckin' NYC. -2 times
Great pic's of the place I call home...not sure why I do because other than being able to get pizza at midnight it sort of sucks.
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