Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another Stolen Cross-Check

From Craig's List. Please be on the lookout, and keep an eye on your bikes!

*!* STOLEN *!* Red Surly Cross Check, Yellow tape and fenders - $100 (NE Minneapolis)

Reply to: sale-755842273@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-07-15, 10:18AM CDT

Someone busted into my garage this morning. Now my main mode of transportation has been lifted, what a drag!

It's hard to miss, custom drop bars that flare out at the bottom (sort of a mix of mustache and drop) in YELLOW tape. YELLOW fenders, black rear rack, single speed, RED frame.

It's registered with the police and I have the original purchase paperwork.

I love this bike, I've taken cross country, had it for years, and tweaked to fun commuting beauty. I'm offering a $100 reward for a safe return.


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