Friday, January 26, 2007

SSWC 2007-Aviemore, Scotland, 2, September, 2007

Dr. Jon over in Scotland has just announced the date for Single Speed World Championship 2007:

"set yer sails for aviemore scotland for 2nd sept 07
glasgow or edinburgh intl airports or internal flights to inverness or rail or road.
lets get ready to rumble..."

Well yer' fuckin' right, I'll be going. You should, too. Start making plans. Save some coin, sell a pair of RaceFace Turbines on Ebay or something. Maybe get rid of one of your nine single speeds, I don't know. Ray, do you have a passport?!?!?

Monday, January 22, 2007

Papa's Got a Brand New Sycip

I love Ebay. Scored this sweet 10th Anniversary (2002) Sycip Diesel last week.

It arrived on Monday. BRose is certainly jealous...

We've also got three nice used Surly frames in stock. An original blue 60cm Cross-Check. (sold). A Reynolds 631 green 56cm Cross-Check.(SOLD) A mint condition black 62cm Pacer.

Don't worry Ray, Brown is safely hibernating until you're ready to light smokey treats while taking action shots of the mrs. riding down the block...

Monday, January 15, 2007

Slow and Go

This is what I woke up to this morning. I knew it would be an interesting commute in from Bryn Mawr. Xtracycles handle like shit in all this snow. No traction over the rear wheel. But...

All hale the hard working Mpls Park Board workers who are out plowing the bike paths before sun-up.

Guess the plows are too wide to hit the bridges, however.

The city shines in the distance. I'd rather still be in bed. But then I wouldn't have had the pleasure of shovelling the walk in front of the shop before the Lunatic showed up.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Is it a cornucopia or a cavalcade?

It was a regular fruit stripe of color in the CRC bike rack today. Orange Salsa cross. Tequila Lime Green Surly 1x1. Smokey(treat) Blue Surly Long Haul Trucker. Red & White Saluki 650b.

A very nice red Saluki. Dig the Nitto racks holding Nigel Smythe bags.

The Lunatic logs some serious miles in his never-ending quest to stave off the "winter pelt." It is during this time of year that he craves "massive quantities." I guess he didn't mean massive quantities of smokey treats...

These just might be the sexiest fenders on the streets today. Damn right you better lock them up. Don't park this one on the porch in South Minneapolis...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Get Bent-Prince Matchobelli

I got this cool old road bike last fall. The headbadge reads 'Bicycle Prince Deluxe.' Built it up. It rode funny. Had the fork straightened. Still rode funny.

Figured the frame was bent so I took it to the Garage Mahal and had Reed Von Benderstein hook it up to the FRS-1 (Boogie Down Productions.)

Reed is a superstar and probably the best mechanic (and wheel monkey) this side of well, shit, he's better than Jeebus! Thanks Reed!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

'07 Seconds

CRC Jerseys are now available. Standard "race cut" and a few "freeridey" styles. $65 each. Come on down and check 'em out. Ray already got his...

If you're riding past "Hobo Camp East" behind the Lake St. Target, look out for these three stooges...