Sunday, April 15, 2007

Stuart O'Grady wins Paris-Roubaix!

Holy Crap! The CSC rider from Oz has beat the perennial powerhouses, and won the 2007 Paris-Roubaix! More news available at Cycling News.


MV said...

Hurl- On the wondows version you modify the invoice from within the invoice function itself.

There is actually a "customize" button above the template heading at the upper right of the invoice.

Once in there, you can select what you want to customize and the "layout designer" in which you can see where the logo and other info is located.

Unknown said...

Every character in anything one writes is filtered by the subconscious creative mind to be a different facet of the writers personality. Therefore, the guy that got hit by the board in the balls and also Chet the Dog Fucker symbolize various unresolved conflicts that reside in your psyche, and also may reflect subliminal yearnings emanating from the Freudian psychosexual centers of your mind. The only way to resolve these is to act upon your basest impulses and therefore become a transcendent and evolved being.